Vegetarian Fried Rice

*Ratio’s will differ if you add extra’s or take things out

Per serve:

Protein: 15g Total Fat: 8g Sat.Fat: 2 Carbs: 68g Sugars: 6g Fibre: 9g Sodium: 94mg

Calcium: 59g

This meal is full of protein which is the building blocks of our body’s tissues and hormones, supplies us with fuel for energy, aids in Immune response, helps to repair our cells and is needed for the formation of blood.


4 cups of pre-cooked brown rice ( I cook mine in reduce salt veg stock for extra flavour. You can also swap this for quinoa or cauliflower rice.)

1 can of brown lentils drained (or another bean or legume of choice)

4 eggs

1 cup of peas

1cup of corn

1 large carrot diced small

4 spring onion chopped

2 clove of garlic crushed

1 tablespoon of olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste

*This dish is so versatile you can add almost anything to it. I like to put broccoli, prawns, bok choy, cashews, pineapple and all sort of nutrient dense goodies to ours. Otherwise using herbs and spices is a great way to add flavour to dishes; try curry, five spice, or chilli.



  1. In a large non-stick pan lightly fry spring onion, garlic and diced carrot for 1-2mins.

  2. Add the eggs to the pan and gently move around the pan to create a scrambled effect.

  3. Add rice and peas, corn, lentils, a splash of water, season with a pinch of mineral salt and pepper then toss for 2-3 minutes.

  4. Serve and enjoy!

fried rice pic.jpg