Welcome to a positive step on your health journey.


Here you will find a wealth of information about how I can assist you with your health. As your practitioner I create a safe and non-judgemental space enabling you to hand over the reigns, so I can guide you every step of the way.
I look forward to working with you on your journey!

Regina Eylward-Piko


About regina

Regina Eylward-Piko
BHSc (Nat) - ANTA 16283

Hi, I am Regina and I am a qualified Naturopath and Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) practitioner who is passionate about natural health and caring for others.

Adopting an evidence based approach I prescribe individualised treatments incorporating food as medicine, energetic medicine and movement along with herbal and nutritional supplements when necessary with the aim of preventing disease, re-establishing health and supporting the body through acute and chronic health conditions.

I am passionate in educating, motivating and empowering my clients by holistically working on the mind, body and spirit.

I have special interest in mental health, specifically stess, anxiety and depression. Other area’s of interests include gut and digestive health, male and female hormone health and chronic health conditions.



Available services include:

- Naturopathic consultation

- Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)

for more info about this please scroll down.

I welcome you to take the next step. Consultations can be booked online via the link below.

I offer both online and in clinic consultations.


About naturopathy

Naturopathy is a holistic approach to health with a focus on the body, mind, and external influences to help prevent disease, re-establish health and support your life goals. Using the healing power of nature along with core Naturopathic principals and evidence based knowledge with an aim to treat the underlying cause of illness or disease. From this, Heart of Wellness was created. Herbal medicine, nutrition and dietary counselling, flower essences, energetic medicine and lifestyle education are all utilised to help you achieve optimal health and wellbeing.



Here you find informative articles I have written to help answer everyday questions, give insight on different topics and provoke thought.

If there is something health related you would like to read about let me know!

I welcome the opportunity to support and guide you in your quest to know more.